Remediation & bulk Earthworks
The creation of an engineered building plateau within an existing colliery spoil tip consisting of ;
• Burnt shale
• Cohesive soils
• Granular material
Within the footprint of the site, two former mineshafts were located, filled, grouted, and capped over with substantial reinforced concrete slabs.
Bulk excavation of approximately 350,000m3 of colliery spoil including remediating slip planes and hydrocarbon impacted soils.
Oversized material was temporarily stockpiled prior to processing (crushing & screening) for incorporation into the permanent works.
Placement of a 600mm thick compacted layer of burnt shale to the final surface of the building platform.
Excavated and re-engineered materials to SHW Specification were tested for both geotechnical and chemical properties prior to incorporation into the permanent works at various depths depending upon its competency.
Successfully recovered secondary aggregates sufficient for re-use as pipe bedding and 6N.
Park Top Limited
WSP / QualSurv Project Services
Remediation of a former colliery spoil tip and creation of re-engineered building plateau, within screening bunds.